How to build from sources

Using Visual Studio

  1. Open ConsoleFramework.sln
  2. Set Examples project as Startup project
  3. Select Build

Using nant

  1. Install nant
  2. Run nant build command in working copy directory

Using MonoDevelop

  1. Open ConsoleFrameworkMono.sln in MonoDevelop
  2. Set Examples project as Startup project
  3. Select Build

Using nant

  1. Install nant for Mono (installing from sources is preferrable way, because of bug in latest binary release)
  2. Run nant build command in working copy directory

In Windows there are no native dependencies. But in Linux and Mac OS X environments you should prepare some native dependencies to be able to execute examples. Dependencies are:

  • libtermkey
  • libc
  • ncursesw

To build libtermkey go to its source code directory and simply run make.

After that you can copy binaries from ./libs into directory with examples. Or you can use binaries of libtermkey from zip in /native directory.

Libc and ncursesw are distributed in binaries in vast majority of Linux distros (in Mac OS X you may need to install them manually using MacPorts), so all you need is locate actual binaries and create a symlinks in local directory, for example, if you are Mac OS X user, you can create next symlinks:

  • ln -s /usr/lib/libc.dylib
  • ln -s ./libncurses.5.4.dylib
  • ln -s ./libtermkey.1.dylib

Console Framework expects that libraries will be available strictly by this names. If your system already has symlinks and, you can skip this step.